Public Meetings
Public Engagement Opportunities
Thank you to everyone who attended the Burlington-Winooski Bridge and Intersection Improvement Project Open House on December 11th! During this event, the Project Team provided information on the bridge and intersection design, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, and shared details about traffic impacts during construction. Information presented at the Open House is now available on demand through our Virtual Open House website, and there is still an opportunity to share your input on the bridge aesthetic survey.
Past Public Meetings
Thank you to everyone who attended our first two public information meetings on September 19, 2023, and January 23, 2024. If you were unable to attend the first two public meetings, you can view a recording of the presentation and all the presentation materials on the Project Documents page of this website.
The Agency of Transportation will ensure public meetings and materials are accessible to all people.
Requests for free interpretive or translation services, assistive devices, or other requested reasonable accommodations, should be made to the Title VI Coordinator,
Telephone: 802-595-6959, TTY: 800-253-0191.
Requests should be made as soon as possible, preferably seven business days before the meeting.
Visit Us at Local Events
We were excited to attend local events to share information about the project and meet members of the community. We look forward to attending more events soon.
The project was a proud sponsor of Halloween in Winooski. We hope you saw our project banner surrounded by all the pumpkins.
The project team also worked with Arts So Wonderful to help repaint the mural located on the Winooski side of the bridge.
Lastly, the project team attended the Burlington and Winooski Farmer's Markets. We had a wonderful time discussing the project and receiving feedback from everyone who stopped by the project tent.

Stay Informed
The project team, including VTrans, City of Burlington, City of Winooski, and CCRPC, is committed to an open and inclusive public outreach process.
To stay informed, we encourage you to sign up for email updates and submit project comments.
If you would like to contact the project team, please contact the Public Information Consultant, Kimberli Owens.
Kimberli Owens
Phone: (802) 276-0348