The Burlington-Winooski Bridge is located between Burlington and Winooski, carrying US Routes 2 and 7 over the Winooski River. This bridge provides a vital connection between the two cities and the region. As the sole downtown crossing over the Winooski River, the Burlington-Winooski Bridge provides a link for approximately 25,000 vehicles, up to 2,000 pedestrians and bicyclists, and several transit routes per day. This is a drastic difference since the bridge was first constructed to primarily accommodate trolleys.
The existing bridge, constructed in 1928, is currently safe, but is approaching the end of its service life. After nearly 100 years of service, the current structure is functionally obsolete and does not meet the current or future needs of the communities. Modes of transportation and corresponding design and safety standards have changed considerably since the bridge was orginally constructed. The bridge replacement will provide wider lanes, shoulders, and separated shared-use paths on each side of the bridge for bicycle and pedestrian traffic and improve connectivity and traffic flow, thereby removing the existing barrier to safe, efficient, and equitable multimodal transportation.
The overall project will include replacing the bridge and improving the intersection immediately south of the bridge in Burlington, involving Riverside Avenue, Colchester Avenue, Mill Street, and Barrett Street. The intersection improvements will generally consist of roadway reconstruction and traffic signal modifications, to improve safety and mobility for all users.
The Project Team, including the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans), the City of Burlington, the City of Winooski, and the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commision (CCRPC), are eager to engage the public throughout this multi-year project. Further details can be found on the News & Events page.

Project Updates
Public Engagement Opportunities
Thank you to everyone who attended the Burlington-Winooski Bridge and Intersection Improvement Project Open House on December 11th!
During this event, the Project Team provided information on the bridge and intersection design, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, and shared details about traffic impacts during construction. Information presented at the Open House is now available on demand through our Virtual Open House website, and there is still an opportunity to share your input on the bridge aesthetic survey.
Past Public Meetings
The Project Team has hosted two public information meetings. The first was held on September 19th, 2023, and the second on January 23rd, 2024. If you could not attend these meetings, you can view a recording of the presentations and all the presentation material on the Project Documents page of this website.
Past Public Presentations
The Project Team presented information about the Burlington-Winooski Bridge Replacement and Intersection Improvement Project at the Burlington City Council meeting on November 18th. You can view the meeting presentation, as well as other public presentations, here.
Bridge Aesthetic Survey
The Burlington-Winooski Bridge Project Team invites you to share your feedback on the Bridge Aesthetic Survey. The goal of this survey is to obtain broad feedback on key aesthetic features of the bridge, including lighting, traffic barriers, and pedestrian barriers.
Activities Near the Bridge
Over the next couple of years there will be workers gathering data and taking measurements around the bridge and intersection.
Construction of the new bridge and intersection will not start until 2027.
Vermont Road Safety Survey
Our partners at the VTrans State Highway Safety Office are gathering input from Vermont road users to better understand their experiences and concerns regarding road and highway safety. This effort is part of VTrans' broader safety initiatives and is separate from the Burlington-Winooski Bridge Replacement Project. We encourage you to take a moment to complete this brief survey and share your feedback. Thank you!